Polis – politics;

Ambiente – surrounding.

Polis ambiente is run by graduating students of Saint Louis University Laboratory Senior High School who want to uncover how politics is prevalent in every issue and every aspect. This blog touches on issues the may not seem to be tainted by politics to the naked eye. The authors delve deeper into said issues and call for a change, both in the system and the people. Polis ambiente serves as a movement for change.


In this time, it is not enough anymore to remain ignorant in political talks. We should not even be phrasing them as political talks as it does not only involve politicians, but also involves us and what they plan to do with us. The political arena is now more relevant as ever especially in the fast approaching Philippine midterm elections. There are candidates that have gone to jail and even candidates who cannot even show tangible proof of a college degree. Why do we allow this?

According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution under Article VI, it states that the only requirements for senators are: must be a natural-born citizen, of 35 years of age, able to read and write, and a registered voter. It seems unfair that when you apply for a job, you have to at least be a high school graduate but applying for a candidacy in the senate, you only have to be literate. Why do we allow that our standards in the people running for government positions are moot? Why is there no screening over the people who are entrusted to pass bills in the Congress that would make or break the Filipino community? It is also disheartening to see that the candidates, who have done the masses wrong, i.e. consent to EJK, fathered the TRAIN Law, and have robbed the Filipinos of millions, are the people who are topping the polls across the country. However, in mock elections conducted in different universities, candidates with more than satisfactory credentials are on the top. This gives us hope that people of Generation Z and Millennials realize the differences between deserving candidates and candidates who are running for selfish reasons.

This 2019 Senatorial Elections, we encourage you, the Filipino citizen, to vote wisely and with conscience. We call for your love for the country to choose the candidates who are running to uplift the masses. If you do not wish to exercise your sense of patriotism, we then ask you to think about your own future. We have not mentioned or advertised any candidate as we are appealing to your common sense to decipher which ones we are pertaining to. Please, choose wisely; for the country and for the future.

— Apparatus & Dark Robust Elixir

#PolisAmbiente #Politics #PoliticalIssues #SocialIssues


As we all know, there is an insufficient amount of jobs available in the country. This results in an abundant amount of Filipinos working abroad each year. About 2,500 Filipinos leave the country to become an overseas Filipino worker to look for jobs that will sustain their families for comfortable living (Pinoy OFW, 2019). In fact, the Philippine government encourages working abroad as this helps the country in dollar remittances (Natividad, 2012). Even movies produced in the country romanticize the idea of going abroad to work for your family as they are considered the modern day Filipino hero. However, we believe that this is the result of a lack of the government’s governance.

In Natividad’s (2012) 11 Reasons Why Filipinos Want to Work Abroad, she listed unstable economic condition as one of the reasons for Filipinos working abroad. One of the civil rights of a human person is to live in an economically beneficial environment and the Philippine government fails to do so. Due to this, there is an influx of people wanting to leave the country, even with no assurance, to work instead of staying in the country and finding a job because even if they do find a job, the income and salary is low. Also, since there is still a prevailing amount of Filipinos that are not able to have proper education, they cannot meet the standards of the different institutitons and organizations that require a specific criterion on educational attainment. The government has to focus on these points, especially the plight of the poor, to create significant opportunities for their people.

Everything is interconnected when it comes to the development of the country and its people. The government should pave the path for opportunities that its average citizens can meet. We still believe that the average Filipino is still responsible for their individual successes however, the government must amplify that.

— Apparatus

#PolisAmbiente #Politics #PoliticalIssues #CivicIssues


Pinoy OFW. (2019, April 12). 7 main causes of unemployment in the Philippines. Retrieved from https://www.pinoy-ofw.com/news/224-reasons-why-philippine-unemployment-rate-is-high.html

Natividad, F. (2012, November 12). 11 reasons why Filipinos want to work abroad. Retrieved from https://businesstips.ph/reasons-why-filipinos-want-to-work-abroad/


Baguio City, deemed as the Summer Capital of the Philippines, has become evidently warmer over the years. This is may be due to climate change, yes, but it may also be due to the influx of residents and the decline in trees in the city. How come this happened? One cause of this may be due to the city government’s misunderstanding of what Baguio City needs.

As officials of the city, they have been entrusted with anything related to the promotion and welfare of Baguio. However, they encourage acts that lead to the slow deterioration of it. The officials keep on advertising the city’s tourism even though its locals cannot function properly due to the surplus of cars and people that hinder productivity. Also, schools in Baguio City are really competent and therefore garner attention from every corner of the country. Due to this, more and more students enroll in said schools because of its reputation and would remain in the city for years and years. Another would be Mayor Mauricio Domogan’s support on the constructing of SM Baguio’s Skyranch, saying that it would boost tourism. All these may contribute to an aspect of Baguio’s development. However, these are the forerunners of its destruction, especially to the environment. All these cause an insane amount of traffic, pollution, and irresponsible tourism. The local government does little to no effort in regulating promotions of the city and would only focus on how to keep advertising it.

Due to all of this, Baguio City’s climate will continue to decline over the years if left unchecked. We claim irresponsible governance and should be given focus right away. We call every official and any person who is able to make a significant call to use your power properly and responsibly. This serves as a call that Baguio City needs our help; it is not a gem that we want to be lost once everything is too late.

— Apparatus

#PolisAmbiente #Politics #PoliticalIssues #EnvironmentalIssues


Dyan Rose Isurita, a Humanities and Social Sciences student who is passionate in political talks and resolving political issues. She engages and researches on said issues as much as she can and aspires to provide information to misinformed citizens. She aims to provide salient points in arguments that requires to be shed light upon.

— Apparatus

Christiana Benica C. Bernabe is an 18 year-old Humanities and Social Sciences student of Saint Louis University-Laboratory Senior High School who grew up in family that is very political. She uses this blog as a platform and an avenue for her to express her thoughts about different issues wherein politics is involved. She aspires to create an uprise in the youth’s participation in political talks.

— You Know Who

Jean Andre Rafael T. Mendoza, a Humanities and Social Sciences student in Saint Louis University Laboratory Senior High School who is charged with the energy to call for change. He wants to serves as an avenue to wake people to the truths in the society.

— Black Robust Elixir
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